Hi there, English learners and friends. Thank you for liking and supporting my page! So students, what do you get in return, I hear you ask. Well, whenever I’m free, I will try to update the page with information related to ESL. Here comes the touching part - I will even attempt to translate my writing into Chinese for your convenience and my own practice. Don’t blame me if your Chinese degenerates from reading my dodgy translations! But I would very much appreciate it if you find it in your heart to provide corrections. xD
英語同學和朋友們.. 嗨!感謝妳支持我的網頁!我聽到學生在問,那我按讚有什麼獎賞呢?這樣好了,我有空時,會把關於學習英文的資訊分享在這裡。感人的部分來了- 我還會把我所寫的試著翻成中文,為了妳們的方便和我的練習。(嗯。。就像現在一樣)如果讀了我奇怪的翻譯而自己中文腿步,不能怪我喔!不過如果你有感動,憑良心想提供我回饋,我會很感激的囉. xD
Today’s tips
Do you try to learn vocabulary through rote memorisation? Boring and inefficient, isn’t it!
妳學單字時是不是死記硬背? 應該又超無聊又無效吧!
Many students are taught in school to learn like a computer: by memorising vocabulary lists in succession. However, your brain isn’t a sequence of bits and bytes, so this method is often unproductive.
大部分的同學在學校被單字像電腦一樣, 排順序背單字表. 可是, 妳的頭腦並不像電腦的位一樣, 所以這種方式就是無效.
Your brain learns more efficiently when you weave vocabulary together into a ‘vocabulary web’ and come up with real-life, creative connections between ideas. These mental webs make vocabulary easier to remember and understand – and definitely more fun!
我們腦袋要用聯想來編織一些’單字網’, 而由創意想起來和有關於生活中的觀念. 這些’單字網’會讓妳較容易的背起來單字, 也會讓妳在練習中感到有趣!
Chuny’s Vocabulary Tips (Part 1) Chuny老師背單字秘訣
1. Group vocabulary in themes. Learning words that are associated with each other are more likely to be remembered in the long-term. You could try drawing a ‘vocabulary web’
把單字由主題湊成一組. 同時背相關的單字會讓妳常起以來記住. 妳可以試著畫 出‘單字網’
英語同學和朋友們.. 嗨!感謝妳支持我的網頁!我聽到學生在問,那我按讚有什麼獎賞呢?這樣好了,我有空時,會把關於學習英文的資訊分享在這裡。感人的部分來了- 我還會把我所寫的試著翻成中文,為了妳們的方便和我的練習。(嗯。。就像現在一樣)如果讀了我奇怪的翻譯而自己中文腿步,不能怪我喔!不過如果你有感動,憑良心想提供我回饋,我會很感激的囉. xD
Today’s tips
Do you try to learn vocabulary through rote memorisation? Boring and inefficient, isn’t it!
妳學單字時是不是死記硬背? 應該又超無聊又無效吧!
Many students are taught in school to learn like a computer: by memorising vocabulary lists in succession. However, your brain isn’t a sequence of bits and bytes, so this method is often unproductive.
大部分的同學在學校被單字像電腦一樣, 排順序背單字表. 可是, 妳的頭腦並不像電腦的位一樣, 所以這種方式就是無效.
Your brain learns more efficiently when you weave vocabulary together into a ‘vocabulary web’ and come up with real-life, creative connections between ideas. These mental webs make vocabulary easier to remember and understand – and definitely more fun!
我們腦袋要用聯想來編織一些’單字網’, 而由創意想起來和有關於生活中的觀念. 這些’單字網’會讓妳較容易的背起來單字, 也會讓妳在練習中感到有趣!
Chuny’s Vocabulary Tips (Part 1) Chuny老師背單字秘訣
1. Group vocabulary in themes. Learning words that are associated with each other are more likely to be remembered in the long-term. You could try drawing a ‘vocabulary web’
把單字由主題湊成一組. 同時背相關的單字會讓妳常起以來記住. 妳可以試著畫 出‘單字網’
2. Don’t move on to the next group of vocabulary until you have used the whole of the previous group successfully in writing and conversations. Remember - use it or lose it!
在還沒有把一組的單字正確地使用在寫作和對話前, 不能進行下一組喔. 記住 – 單字如果不用到,就會失去掉!
3. Give your vocabulary context: Instead of just memorising a word, learn how it fits in whole sentences. This not only helps you remember the word better, but you also learn other important information, such as the preposition that goes with the verb.
妳所背的單字要有前後文: 不只光背單字,也要學他在整個句子如何用。這樣不但讓妳好記住,妳也會學到關於那個字的資料,例如哪一個動詞要搭配哪個介系詞。
E.g. instead of remembering the word furnish (v.), write a whole sentence:
例句:除了寫 ‘furnish’,還要把整個句子寫下來:
He furnished his new bedroom with Mickey and Minnie mouse furniture.
Related word: 'furniture'
相關的字是 ‘furniture’ 家具
在還沒有把一組的單字正確地使用在寫作和對話前, 不能進行下一組喔. 記住 – 單字如果不用到,就會失去掉!
3. Give your vocabulary context: Instead of just memorising a word, learn how it fits in whole sentences. This not only helps you remember the word better, but you also learn other important information, such as the preposition that goes with the verb.
妳所背的單字要有前後文: 不只光背單字,也要學他在整個句子如何用。這樣不但讓妳好記住,妳也會學到關於那個字的資料,例如哪一個動詞要搭配哪個介系詞。
E.g. instead of remembering the word furnish (v.), write a whole sentence:
例句:除了寫 ‘furnish’,還要把整個句子寫下來:
He furnished his new bedroom with Mickey and Minnie mouse furniture.
Related word: 'furniture'
相關的字是 ‘furniture’ 家具